رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The ralationship between: 1l Colloid osmotic pressure (COP), 2u albumin to globulin ratio (A/G), and 3m Serum total protein (TP) concentration. Ali Moradi "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102520
Doc. No : T6546
Call number : ‭QD,543,.M6r4,2001‬
Main Entry : Moradi, Ali
Title & Author : The ralationship between: 1l Colloid osmotic pressure (COP), 2u albumin to globulin ratio (A/G), and 3m Serum total protein (TP) concentration. Ali Moradi/علی مرادی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2001
Degree : Physiology, M.S
Page No : X, 57 P.: fig, tab, Diag
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project- ID 79310
Abstract : Introduction: Colloid Osmotic Pressure (COP), has been realized since the beginning of the previous century and after a while, it has received increasing attention in medicine as a potentially adjunct to other data in predicting intercompartmental body water movements. There has been special attention in calculating COP to be used in certain conditions. Which require a predicted COP value, but, despite of proposing several equations, there is still some discrepancies between the measured and calculated COP. On the other hand, in the previous of this study was to determine the empirical relation between COP, A/G ratio, and total protein (TP) cocentration. The study was designed in two steps: 1. Determination of an empirical equation for COP calculation, and 2. Evaluation of clinical validity of the formula. Materials and methods: A sample of 300 ml of pooled human serum was used to prepare 14 simulated pooled serum with various A/G ratios ranging from 0.39 to 3.93 and TP concentrations of nearly 10 g/dl by diluting the pooled serum samples with isotonic saline and / or adding standard human albumin 20 on hundred (Albumin berna) and / or Y- Globulin- KGCC 16.5 on hundred TP and albumin concentrations of each serim sample was measured by the standard biuret and bromcresol green (BCG) methods respectively, using the PARS AZMUN kits (ready- to- use- reagents). Globulin concentration in the pooled serum sample was obtained by subtracting the mean albumin concentration from the mean TP concentration, and A/G ratio of the pooled serum sample was calculated. Each simulated serum sample was diluted stepwise with the isotonic saline to the concentration ratio range of 1/10 to 10/10. The diluted serum sample were subjected to direct COP measurement with a Knauer membrance colloid osmometer. Results: COP of various serum samples, with different A/G ratios, was plotted versus TP concentration. By non- linear curve fitting, the best fitted curves were estimated in order to have the best correlation coefficients. The outcomes were as following. COP= (4.0814 A/G) (A/G + 0.0153 TP) (r2= 0.91272 [1]. COP= [1.0752 + 3.4661 (A/G)2 + 0.1565 (A/G)3] TP (r2= 094737) [2]. COP= [5.3192 A/G- 2.2252 (A/G)2 + 0.2939 (A/G)3] TP (r2= 0.94737) [3]. all defined coefficients were statistically significant (P<0.005). These equations were then subjected to clinical validation. 122 human serum samples were obtained from various healthy and ill individuals. TP and albumin concentrations. and COP were measured, and also their predicted COP was determined from equation 1, 2, and 3. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between measured and calculated COP. Discussion and conclusion: It seems that equation [1] can be a good suggestion for clinicians, because of the simplicity. This study suggests tha a special emphasis must be layed on the role of A/G ratio in calculation COP,and the proposed simple formual can be pracitically used in the specific conditions which a predicted COP value is needed.
Subject : Osmosis
Descriptor : Albumins
: Globin
: Proteins
: Osmotis Pressure
Added Entry : Nematbakhsh, Mehdi
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی رابطه بین فشار اسمزی کلوئیدی ‭(COP)‬، نسبت آلبومین به گلوبین ‭(A/G)‬ و غلظت پروتئین تام ‭(TP)‬ سرم
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