رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Evaluation of ECG changes after radiotherapy of left chest wall by electron in patients with left breast cancer who received anthracycline based chemotherapy fllowing mastectomy. K. Mohammadian "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102546
Doc. No : T9145
Call number : ‭WP870,M697e,2004‬
Main Entry : Mohammadian, K.
Title & Author : Evaluation of ECG changes after radiotherapy of left chest wall by electron in patients with left breast cancer who received anthracycline based chemotherapy fllowing mastectomy. K. Mohammadian/م. محمدیان
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2004
Degree : Oncology, Speciality
Page No : 14 p.: fig, tab
Abstract : Cardiovascular damage after radiotherapy of left chest wall in Lt breast cancer is a potential fear, therefore search for both the possible causes of radiation-induced heart damage and preventive measures is cj-ucial issues in breast cancer radiation oncology. The present study investigates noninvasively the possible acute and chronic ECG changes and their incidence after radiotler'ap~i in patients with left sided breast cancer who have received -8 courses of Anthracycline based chemotherapy following mastectomy. Methods and materials: 56 patients with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma) who had been undergone modified radical mastectomy, adjuvant Anthracycline based chemotherapy and left sided chest wall electron therapy with direct field, have been evaluated. All patients investigated with precise physical exam.....
Descriptor : Electrocardiography
: Breast Neoplasms- drugtherapy
: Mastectomy
: Radiotherapy- adveres effects
: cardiovascular diseases
: Anthracyclines
Added Entry : Emami, J, supervisor
: Sarafzadegan, n, suprvisor
کپی لینک

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Evaluation of ECG changes after radiotherapy of left ches...
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