رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" RT- PCR investigation of fibronection RNA in transitional carcinoma cells of bladder "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102550
Doc. No : T8977
Call number : ‭WJ,504,A286r,2004‬
Main Entry : Ahmadi Javid, Majid
Title & Author : RT- PCR investigation of fibronection RNA in transitional carcinoma cells of bladder
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2004
Degree : Urology, Speciality
Page No : F, 34 p.: Illus, col
Note : This thesis is also research project with project ID 80282
Abstract : Introduction: Bladder cancer is the second most common urologic malignancy and 55,000 new cases in 2003 has been diagnosed in the United States with 12,200 cancer related deaths. Bladder cancer accounts for 2.9 of all cancer deaths in men and 1.5 in women. EDA, EDB and IIICS domains of fibronectin are not expressed in the adult person but through the process of alternative splicing, they're expressed in different cancers. In this study we were going to analyze the mRNA of fibronectin in transitional carcinoma cells of bladder for the presence of the oncofetal domains.Patients and methods: A total of 20 patients with known bladder cancer recruited. Another 20 were normal volunteers who needed bladder operations. The excised tissuewas immidiatly transferred to RNAlater (Ambion,TX). RNA was extracted via RNAWIZ (Ambion, TX). CDNA was made via RevertAidت First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(Fermentas). PCR of the cDNAs performed using primers for EDA, EDB and IIICS (Eurogentec,Belgium). kesults: The high grade muscle invasive TCC of the bladder expressed ED-A, ED-B and IIICS. This tumor was retrieved through the extensive procedure, radical cystectomy. Expression of ED-A, ED-B and IIICS was confirmed, in the two patients with G3T1 TCC. The four patients with G2TO and G3TO expressed both ED-A and ED-B. The four patients with G1T1 tumor expressed ED-A only, similar to the nine patients with papillary superficial low grade tumor (G1T0). None of the normal volunteers expressed the oncofetal extra domains. Discussion: We present for the first time, the expression of oncofetal fibronectin mRNA in the transitional cell carcinoma of bladder. The sensitivity of ED-A positive fibronectin RNA to detect TCC of any kind is 100 . The sensitivity of ED-B positive fibronectin RNA to detect TCC of bladder is only 35 . The specificity of ED-B positive fibronectin RNA for the high grade TCC is 100 . It means that thereon, the finding of ED-B positive fibronectin RNA predict a higher grade and therefore a poorer prognosis.Conclusion: Any doubt about the neoplastic nature of a bladder mass lesion; warrant RT-PCR analysis of the fibronectin RNA. The expression of ED-A positive fibronectin RNA then suggest the presence of a neoplastic lesion, and identification of ED-B and/or IIICS recommend a closer, follow up protocol not to overlook a high grade and invasive bladder carcinoma to increase the life expectancy of the patient. Our work suggests the applicability of this procedure in urine of the patients in the follow up period..
Descriptor : 1- Bladder Neoplasms.- Descriptor(s): Blasser Neoplasms
: Carcinoma Transitional Cell
: Smoking
: Occupational Exposure
: Receptrors, Fibronection
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RT- PCR investigation of fibronection RNA in transitional...
ahmadi javid majid A.pdf
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