رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Performance evaluation of three anaerobic bioreactors: ASBR, HAIS, and UASB "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102563
Doc. No : T9451
Call number : ‭TD,745,.A5P4,2004‬
Main Entry : Amin, Mohammad mehdi
Title & Author : Performance evaluation of three anaerobic bioreactors: ASBR, HAIS, and UASB/محمدمهدی امین
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2004
Degree : Medicine, M.D
Page No : XIX, 145 [.: ill; diag, tab
Note : This these contain 2 parts. part 1: Research project in UIUC and title is: Influence of the erythromycin on anaerobic theratment of a pharmaceutical waste water in anaerobic sequencing batch reactor
: part 2: Research project at isfahan school of public health. title is: Performance comparison of horizontal- flow anaerobic immobilized sludge (HAIS)and UASBreactors using synthetic substrate and research project with project id: 79141
Note : Original works
Descriptor : 1.Sewage- Purification.- Descriptors:
: Bacteria, Anaerobic
: Industrial Wastes
: Erythromycin
: Drug Industry
Added Entry : Torkian, Ayoob, Supervisor
: Bina, Bijan, Supervisor
: Movahedian, Hossein, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : تاثیر اریترومایسین بر روی تصفیه بی هوازی پساب صنایع داروسازی در ....
کپی لینک

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طول :
Performance evaluation of three anaerobic bioreactors: AS...
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