رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The effect of utilizing levothyroxine with and without folic acid on serum homocysteine level in hypothyroid patients "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102583
Doc. No : T9656
Call number : ‭WK,250,H154t,2005‬
Main Entry : HajiGholami, Ali
Title & Author : The effect of utilizing levothyroxine with and without folic acid on serum homocysteine level in hypothyroid patients/علی حاجی‌غلامی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2005
Degree : Internal medicine, Speciality
Page No : 54 P.:ill, Tab, fig
Note : This is a research dissertation with project Id 82403
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Objectives: Elevated level of serum homocysteine has been reported in hypothyroid patients. Considering the fundamental role of folate in the metabolic cycle of homocysteine, this study was performed to compare the level of homocysteine in patients with hypothyroidism following treatment either with levothyroxine alone or by levothyroxine in combination with folic acid.Methods: In this double-blind clinical trial study, 60 hypothyroid patients were randomly divided into two 30-people groups. Both groups were treated with 50-100 -إg of levothyroxine, and the case group was given an additional 1 mg acid folic tablet, whereas the controls were given placebo. The level of fasting homocysteine, folic acid, and Vitamin B12 was measured in all the subjects at the beginning of the study and after TSH levels were normalized. orResults: The level of homocysteine in the case group was decreased from 15.77▒6.33 limol/1 to 10.8▒3.54 jamo1/1 (P=0.000), and was also decreased in the control group from 15.69▒6.4 pno1/1 to 13.9▒6 umo1/1 (P=0.03). The difference in the mean serum homocysteine level between 2 groups was statistically significant (P=0.0165).K Conclusions: Although the level of homocysteine was decreased in both groups, the amount of decrease was greater in the group that was receiving levothyroxine and folic acid. Considering the fact that for every I umo1/1 increase in homocysteine level a 6-7 greater chance of cardiovascular diseases exits, our research indicated that using folic acid in conjunction with levothyroxine can lower the potential side affects of this substance, which can be exerted even in short period of time..
Descriptor : 1.Hypothyroidism.- Descriptors: Hypothyroidism
: Levothyroxine
: Homocysteine
: Folic Acid deficiency
: Hypoproteinemia
: Cardiovascular Diseases
: Risk Factors
Added Entry : Rezvanian, Hasan, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی تاثیر استفاده از لووتیروکسین و اسید فولیک در مقایسه با لووتیروکسین بر سطح هموسیستئین مبتلایان به هیپوتیروئیدیسم
کپی لینک

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The effect of utilizing levothyroxine with and without fo...
ali hajgholami A.pdf
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