رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Comparison of dental status in H.Pylori positive patients with control group "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102597
Doc. No : T9785
Call number : ‭QW,154,D213c,2005‬
Main Entry : Rasool Dar , Faisal
: Ahmad Dar , Mushtaq
Title & Author : Comparison of dental status in H.Pylori positive patients with control group /Faisal Rasool Dar, Mushtag Ahmad Dar
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2005
Degree : Medicine, MD.
Page No : x,43p.: ill, Diag. Tab.
Note : فیصل رسول دار
: مشتاق احمد دار
Note : Original Works
Abstract : H.pylori is a gram-negative, spiral shaped bacterium. It causes gastritis and is involved in most cases of peptic ulcer diseases. It also plays an important role in dysplasia and metaplasia of gastric mucosa, distal gastric adenocarcinoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the stomach. Oral cavity is suggested as that extra-gastric reservoir for H.pylori and it is said that H.pylori effects the dental status. The studies have shown that dental caries is a potent factor for the H.pylori reinfection. Methods and materials:In this observational case-control study, 264 patients were studied. Out of these 264 patients, 132 patients were II.pylori positive (case group) and 132 patients were H.pylori negative (control group). The patients were 18 to 50 years of age and were not having any kind of systemic underlying disease. Dental examination was performed on all the patients. All the patients were inten'iewed and the data was collected on a check list-questionnaire. The data was analyzed and mean DMFt of H.pylori patients and H.pv ori negative patients was derived.Results: Out of 264 patients. 132 were H.pylori positive and the other 132 were I-.pylori negative. The data collected showed that mean DMFt index is greater in H.pylori positive patients than in pylori negative (10.9 verses 4.1 S). There was not any significant difference between the D rff t index of smokers and non-smokers (11.81 verses 10.4). Also, there was not any significant difference between the DMFt index of male and female H.pylori positive patients (10.31 verses 11.71).Discussion and Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrate that the DMFt index is significantly greater in H.pylori positive patients than in H.pylori negative patients. Thus, it is clear that there is a significant relationship between H.pylori and DMPt index..
Descriptor : Helicobacter Pylori
: Helicobacter Infectious
: Peptic Ulcer
: Dental Caries
: DMF Index
: Gastritis
Added Entry : Daghaghzadeh, Hamed, استاد راهنما
کپی لینک

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