رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Evaluation of attitude towards screening of Hepatitis B in pregnant women in esfahan July 2005 "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102606
Doc. No : T9979
Call number : ‭WC,536,Z39e,2005‬
Main Entry : Zavareh, Jalal
Title & Author : Evaluation of attitude towards screening of Hepatitis B in pregnant women in esfahan July 2005/جلال زواره
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2005
Degree : Medicine, MD
Page No : 48 p.: diag, tab
Note : Original Works
Abstract : Background: Around 1.3-8.69 percent of Iranian population are chronic carriers of HBV and hepatitis B is known as cause for 70-80 percent of chronic hepatitis in Iran. Perinatal transmission is one of important ways of HBV transmission. WHO advise screening hepatitis B in all pregnant women and all preventive programs are more effective by adding screening hepatitis B in pregnant women, costeffectiveness of hepatitis B screening has been documented in pregnant women, so the next step for screening hepatitis B in pregnant women is to take a survey that shows their attitude and concerns. General aim Determination of frequency distribution of pregnant women attitude about screening hepatitis B (main attitude). This study was descriptive and cross sectional that performed in a one month period on July 2005. The target population was pregnant women, were attending in obstetricians private offices and public obstetric care centers for routine cares during pregnancy period. Method of sampling was simple convenience that we offered our questionnaires to the all pregnant women. Result: All the cases had positive or desirable attitude. First question indicate attitude toward screening hepatitis .479 cases answer this question ,191 cases "completely agreeپ ( 39.9 percent ), 202 cases "agree" ( 42.2 percent ) , 68 cases "no opinion" ( 14.2 percent ) ,13 cases "disagree" ( 2.7 percent ) , 5 cases "completely disagree" ( 1.0 percent ). There were no relationship between attitude and age and also trimester.Evaluation of attitude towards screening hepatitis B in pregnant women. There were relationship between attitude and education level. Discussion: Women had good attitude toward screening hepatitis B and refusal was around 17 percent in a skeptical view. We believe lack of self confidence is the reason but considering social, ethical, political and religious concerns an implied-consent strategy for universal screening of pregnant women suggested. Education about sexual transmitted disease and prevention methods should be given in high schools..
Descriptor : 1. Hepatitis B- In Pregnancy.- Discriptors: Hepatitis B- In Pregnancy
: Attitude
: Hepatitis B virus
: Pregnant Women
: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Added Entry : Zamani, A, Supervisors
: Adibi, P, Supervisours
کپی لینک

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Evaluation of attitude towards screening of Hepatitis B i...
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