رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Molecular Detection of Streptomyces griseus Isolated from Isfahan's Soil "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102612
Doc. No : T10091
Call number : ‭QW,125.5,.S8,K18m,2005‬
Main Entry : Karjoo, Zahra
Title & Author : Molecular Detection of Streptomyces griseus Isolated from Isfahan's Soil/زهرا کارجو
College : Schools, Pharmacy
Date : , 2005
Degree : Biotechnology, MD
Page No : IX, 76, VII p.: ill ( col ), tab., diag
Note : Original Work
Abstract : ABSTRACT: Introduction: Streptomycetes are Gram-positive, filamentous soil bacteria, which undergo morphological differentiation during their life cycle. Streptomyces species are known to be producers of many secondary metabolites, which show different biological activities, such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antitumor and immunosuppressive actions. Streptomyces griseus, physiologically, is one of the best-studied species among streptomyces spp. In this study, streptomyces griseus isolated from Isfahan's soil was detected by biochemical, morphological and molecular methods.Methods: Twenty soil samples were gathered from different places of Isfahan, such as wheat farms, river bed and domestic yards. Six of them were composts. One gram of each was diluted and cultivated in a primary isolation medium. Isolated samples of bacteria from soil were detected by their morphological shapes of spores and vegetative hyphae. Then, a number of biochemical tests were performed to screen streptomyces from other related genera. For molecular detections, PCR on the genomic DNA of streptomyces griseus was performed using specific primers for aphE and strA genes. After optimising the best condition for PCR, screening for the soil isolates were carried out. Detection of a proper sized band would indicate the presence of aphE and strA genes, representing the bacteria as S. griseus. Results: From 10 colonies undergown molecular detection, 6 colonies (W1, W3, W5, F4, F5, F26) showed the presence of the band 750 bp, four of them (W1,W3 , F5,F26) showed a 900bp band as well. The proper band of 671bp for aphE was detected in S. griseus, but none of 10 colonies showed any band of the expected size. Discussion: With the aid of non-molecular results, the soil isolates up to cluster level were determined, but it was impossible to determine S. griseus through its cluster containing 71 members. The results showed that there were some streptomycin producing strains among the isolates, because the presence of 750 and 900bp strA gene, confirming the presence of streptomycin biosynthesis gene clusters. However the absence of 671bp aphE gene showed that these strains owned only one mechanism for resistance. Key words: Streptomyces griseus, aphE gene, strA gene, molecular screening, Isfahan's soil.
Descriptor : 1. Streptomyces griseus.- Descriptors: Streptomyces griseus
: Soil
: Antibiotices
: Molecular Structure
: Genes
: Polymerase Chain Reaction
Added Entry : Rabbani, Mohammad, Supervisor
: Mir Mohammad sadeghi, Hamid, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : شناسایی و بررسی مولکولی استرپتومایسس گریزئوس ( ‭( Streptomyces griseus‬ در خاک اصفهان
کپی لینک

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Molecular Detection of Streptomyces griseus Isolated from...
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