رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The comparative effects of magnesium, lead, selenium and aluminium on activity of erythrocyts sodium- litium countertansport( SLC )in rabbit "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102652
Doc. No : T10666
Call number : ‭QU,55.2,A313c,2007‬
Main Entry : Akbarzadeh, Samad
Title & Author : The comparative effects of magnesium, lead, selenium and aluminium on activity of erythrocyts sodium- litium countertansport( SLC )in rabbit/اکبرزاده، صمد
College : Schools, Pharmacy
Date : , 2007
Degree : Biochemistry, Ph.D
Page No : XXVI, 200 p.:ill, diag, tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 384112
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Introduction:In this study effects of aluminium, lead, magnesium and selenium on SLC activity, kinetic parameters of the transporter, plasma parameters (VLDL, LDL, HDL, cholesterol, triglyceride, sodium, potassium, creatinine, urea) and tissues changes (adrenal, heart and kidney) were studied. Materials and Methods: White male rabbits of New Zealand race (1350▒50g) were used for the experiments. In vivo studies were performed by intrapritoneally injection of aluminium, lead, magnesium and selenium 25,13,40 and 0.25mg/kg body weight respectively every other day for 2 week as acute dose and 12.5,6.5,20 and 0.125mg/kg body weight respectively for 7 week as chronic dose. The activity of the transporter was determined according to the methods of Cannesa, sodium and potassium by flame photometer, and the other plasma parameters by commercial kits. The effects of different concentrations of mentioned elements on SLC activity and its kinetic parameters were also investigated in vitro.Results:It was shown that acute and chronic dose of aluminium, lead and chronic dose of magnesium and selenium significantly (p<0.05)) increased SLC activity, VLDL, LDL, cholesterol, triglyceride and sodium. Acute dose of magnesium and selenium decreased SLC activity, VLDL, cholesterol and triglyceride. In vitro studies indicated that a positive relationship between SLC activity with aluminium, lead, high concentration of selenium and negative relationship with magnesium exist. These results also showed a significant increase in Vmax/Km of the transporter after treatment with aluminium, lead, selenium and a significant decrease in Vmax/Km and increased Km after treatment with magnesium.Discussion:Results indicated that exposure to aluminium, lead and long treatment with magnesium and selenium changed SLC activity, Vmax/Km, tissue changes and plasma parameters that may be responsible in the induction of hypertension. Magnesium and selenium in short term showed reverse effects on these parameters thus may be beneficial for hypertension..
Descriptor : 1. Carrier Proteins.- Descriptors: Aluminium
: Sodium
: Selenium
: Magnesium
: Lead
: lithium
: Hypertension
: Ureaplasma
: Cholesterol
: Triglycerides
: Antiporters
Added Entry : Ani, Mohsen, Supervisor
: Moshtaghie, Ali Asghar, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : مقایسه اثرات منیزیم، سرب، سلنیوم و آلومینیوم بر روی فعالیت ترانسپورتر سدیم- لیتیوم( ‭( SLC‬ موجود در اریتروسیت خرگوش
کپی لینک

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The comparative effects of magnesium, lead, selenium and ...
akbarzadeh samada.pdf
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