رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Comparison between ARG( ABL-2)Protein expression follicular and Diffuse Large B-Cell lymphoma "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102666
Doc. No : T10972
Call number : ‭WH,525,K11c,2007‬
Main Entry : Kabiri, Zahra
Title & Author : Comparison between ARG( ABL-2)Protein expression follicular and Diffuse Large B-Cell lymphoma/زهرا کبیری
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2007
Degree : Medicine, MD
Page No : 64 p.: diag
Note : This thesis is a also a research project with project ID: 83051
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Introduction: The participation of ARG in human malignancies has been demonstrated in different cancers. However there is no conclusive evidence on ARG expression between different mature B- cell lymphomas. In this study we evaluated ARG protein expression in FL, DLBCL, and non-neoplastic lymphoid tissue and also we compared expression of ARG protein between these mature B cell lymphomas. Materials and methods: Twelve DLBCL patients and twelve FL patients with available Paraffin-embedded tissue samples between 1997 and 2004 enter the study, we used 12 reactive lymph nodes as control samples. Sections were prepared from the paraffin blocks and treat with primary and then secondary antibodies. Two proteins, ARG (the test protein) and GAPDH (a control house keeping protein) were studied; ARG was labeled green and GAPDH red. After capturing the pictures using a CCD camera, the intensity of green and red colures were measured and ratio between green/red (ARG/GAPDH), that demonstrate changes in ARG expression, were calculated. Results: we detected the ARG and GAPDH expression in tissue samples of DLBCL, FL patients and reactive lymph nodes. The mean ratio of ARG/GAPDH expression in DLBCL and FL was 0.742 and 0.688 respectively. Also this ratio in reactive lymph node was 0.651. The P value between our groups was less than 0.001 so it can clearly show significant different between groups. Conclusion: Like other malignancies, finding about gene expression patterns in BL seems to be helpful in future board therapeutic guidelines. Our result showed that aggressive lymphoma (DLBCL) has higher expression of ARG compare to Indolent lymphoma (FL). Gleevec (ST571) as a specific inhibitor of ARG may have a potential potency to treat of aggressive lymphoma.
Descriptor : 1.Lymphoma.- Descriptors: Lymphoma- drug therapy
: Lymphoma B-Cell
: Gene Expression
: Lymph Noeds
: Immunohistochemistry
: Proteins
: Lymphoma, Folicular
Added Entry : Salehi, Mansoor, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : مقایسه بیان پروتئین ‭ARG‬ در لنفوم فولبکولار و لنفوم سلولهای B بزرگ منتشر
کپی لینک

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Comparison between ARG( ABL-2)Protein expression follicul...
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