رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" New correlation between angles of wide QRS Complex in electerocardiogram and echocardiographic indices. AliAkbar Khorasani "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102716
Doc. No : T11406
Call number : ‭WG,370,K45n,2008‬
Main Entry : Khorasani, AliAkbar
Title & Author : New correlation between angles of wide QRS Complex in electerocardiogram and echocardiographic indices. AliAkbar Khorasani/علی‌اکبر خراسانی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2008
Degree : Cardiology, Speciality
Page No : [No Paging], diag, tab
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Background :Heart failure is a relatively common disorder and a principal complication of virtually all forms of heart disease. Heart failure (HF) is associated with great morbidity and mortality rate. Heart failure due to left ventricular (L V) systolic dysfunction has lesser survival than diastolic heart failure .Electrocardiogram(ECG) is a safe ,cheap and simple tool for assessment of cardiovascular disorders . We examined whether two new angles(a and 13 according to the definition) in QRS in the ECG, have correlation with echocardiographic indices including left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left ventricular end systolic dimension(L VESD) and left ventricular end diastolic dimension(LVEDD) and can predict L VEF. Methods:In this crossت‍sectional study,159 subjects with clinical signs of L V systolic dysfunction who presented to the Alzahra hospital in Isfahan, Iran , underwent echocardiography via single cardiologist and ECG also taken from them .First ,on the ECG ,two new angles defined and then these two angles compared manually and with computerized analysis by two different observers blinded to the another data.After confirmation of excellent correlation between these two forms, then two angles measured manually with protractor in 159 patients (wide QRS complex in 59 and normal QRS complex in 100 patients) and correlation between these angles and echocardiographic indices (L VEF,L VEDD,L VESD) were assessed. Data were analyzed with SPSS , using pearson,s coefficient of correlation and linear regression tests. Results: Correlation between manual and computerized forms was excellent.Statistical analysis revealed that in normal QRS complex, there is no correlation between any of two angles and echocardiographic indices.In contrast, in wide QRS complex,/3 angle and /3/a ratio was correlated with any three echocardiographic indices (negative correlation with LVEF and positive correlation with L VESD and L VEDD ) i.e. with decrease in L VEF and increase in L VESD and L VEDD , fi angle is widened and )6/a ratio increases. A L VEF of 30 corresponded to fi/a ratio of 2 in wide QRS complex patients on the regression line.Linear regression analysis generated the regression line equation for predicting the L VEF . The equation is LVEF = 60.6 ت‍ (14.5 xa ratio ). Conclusion: fi angle and /3/a ratio in wide QRS complex patients correlated with L VEF , L VESD and L VEDD but not a angle . There was no correlation between these angles and any of echocardiographic indices in normal (narrow)QRS complex patients . With widening of the /3 angle (but not a angle )and increment of fila ratio , L VEF in wide QRS complex patients decreases. Thus /1 angle and /3/a ratio can predict L VEF in patients with suspected heart failure and wide QRS complex. Keywords: LV systolic dysfunction, QRS angle,Electrocardiogram,L VEF.
Descriptor : 1. Heart Failure.- Discriptors: Heart Failure- mortality
: Electerocardiogram
: Echocardiography
: Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted
Added Entry : Abdar Isfahani, Morteza, Supervisor
: Akbari, Mojtaba, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : ارتباط جدید بین زوایای کمپلکس ‭QRS‬ پهن در الکتروکاردیوم و ایندکسهای اکوکاردیوگرافی
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