رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Determine the positive predictive value of gray scale sonography to diagnose mild, moderate and severe vesicoureteral reflux in center of noor & aliasghar during winter and spring 2007 "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102722
Doc. No : T11477
Call number : ‭WJ,500,K12d,2008‬
Main Entry : Khami, Salman
Title & Author : Determine the positive predictive value of gray scale sonography to diagnose mild, moderate and severe vesicoureteral reflux in center of noor aliasghar during winter and spring 2007/سلمان خامی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2008
Degree : Medicine, MD
Page No : 125 p.: ill, diag, tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 385391
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Introduction: Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) refers to a condition in which urine. flows from the bladder, back up the ureter, and back into the kidneys.The relationship between VUR and infection is close and complicated.also VUR can lead to end stage renal disease. so early diagnose of VUR is important.the danger of harmful rays in VCUG & RNC make US(ultrasonography) a valuable device to assess VUR.. Goal: determine the positive predictive value of gray scale sonography to diagnose of mild, moderate and severe VUR. Methods and materials: This study was performed on 2-12 years old girls with clinical suspecius to VUR as febril UTI and boys with history of UTI & VUR coming for follow up during winter and spring of 2007 in the professional and superprofessional center of nor & aliasghar. Our exclusion criteria is incooperation. We studied 90 kidney units. Data gathering method was sequential and the research was descriptie. Data analyzed with spss program and t-test and chi square formula. First we assess patients with sonography and determine several parameters. Then we referred them for RNC. Then we compared the results of two methods. Results: the sensitivity of US in diagnose of VUR is 70.9 and its specificity is 51.4 . So the positive predictive value is 69.64 and negative predictive value is 52.94 . Of these parameters pelvis diameter in rest is the best factor. Conclusion: although the deffinit diagnose of VUR is illustrated with VCUG or RNC, but sonography may be the first step in VUR diagnose specialy in high grade VUR. Key words: vesicoureteral reflux, sonography, RNC (radionuclear cyctogram), VCUG, UTI, positive predictive value..
Descriptor : 1. Vesico- Ureteral Reflex.- Descriptors: Vesico- Ureteral Reflex- ulterasonography
: Bladder Diseases
: Kidney Function Tests
: Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures
Added Entry : Adibi, Atusa, Supervisor
: Gheysari, Alaleh, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : تعیین ارزش پیشگویی سونوگرافی ‭gray scale‬ در تشخیص ریفلاکس مثانه به حالب در انواع ‭Mild & moderate & severe‬
کپی لینک

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Determine the positive predictive value of gray scale son...
salman khamy a.pdf
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