رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Determination the relationship between von- willebrand factor expression and different grades of astrocy toma. Kourosh Mougouei "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102724
Doc. No : T11407
Call number : ‭WL,358,M925d,2008‬
Main Entry : Mougouei, Kourosh
Title & Author : Determination the relationship between von- willebrand factor expression and different grades of astrocy toma. Kourosh Mougouei/کوروش موگویی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2008
Degree : Pathology , Ph.D
Page No : 61 p.:diag, tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 385484
Note : Orgianl Works
Abstract : Introduction: Astrocytomas are most common primary CNS tumors, Subdivided into four histologic grades: pilocytic astrocytoma (grade 1), diffuse fibrillary agtrocytoma (grade2), anaplastic astrocytoma (grade3), and glioblastoma multiforme (grade4). One of most important pathologic criteria for diagnosis of higher grades (especially glioblastoma multiforme) is microvessel proliferation (particularly in the form of glomeruloid complex). Some authors believe that neoplastic cells in higher grades of astrocytoma have the potential to transform into microvessels, but it is a controversial subject, and it hasn't been done any study in Iran. Factor VIII-related antigen (von-Willebrand factor: vwf) is one of the endothelial related markers, which expression of it can be studied by immunohistochemistry. It has been said that expression of endothelial related markers (such as vwf) in neoplastic cells have a direct relationship to the grade of astrocytoma. Concerning the matter that tumoral angiogenesis is a necessary factor for growth, invasiveness and recurrence of malignancies, with determination the intensity of angiogenesis or potential of it (with determining the expression of endothelial related markers such as vwf in neoplastic cells), in addition to be a help in determining the grade of astrocytomas, it can used in plan of therapy, in the meaning that with prescribing antiangiogenesis drugs in some astrocytomas make the patient to have a better prognosis and survivalMaterials and methods: 1) This study is a descriptive-analytical type, and 64 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks of surgical specimens with diagnosis of astrocytoma (grade I to TV, each of them 16 blocks), belonging to patients that had came to Alzahra hospital in Esfahan (2002-2006) were selected in a simple-nonrandom sample selection. It was prepared 3 micron cut sections from them and Immunohistochemistry technique for vwf was done. After that, slides of tumors and also positive and negative controls were observed. We estimated subjectively these four parameters: 1)percentage of stained neoplastic cells .,by calculating the mean percentage of stained cells in three hpf x400, 2)intensity of staining for cells on a scale of 0 to 3, with 0 being no detectable stain; 1, a trace of stain; 2, a moderate amount of diffuse stain; and 3, the largest amount of diffuse stain, 3)microvessel density by calculating the mean number of stained vessels in three area of highest vascularization with hpfx 400, and 4)intensity of staining for microvessels on a scale of 0 to 3, similar to cells mentioned above. Results: 56/3 of patients that have been studied were male and 43/7 were female. Positivity percentage of cells stained with vwf were as follows: grade I: 2/56(1/094/03), grade II: 6/87(3/19-10/55), grade III: 13/31(9/21-17/41), and grade IV: 13/43(7/86-19/01). In any case of grade I or II, the intensity of cell staining for vwf was not severe (score 3), while this score (3) in grade III was 12/5 , and in grade IV was 31/3 . "Vwf cell index" (percentage of cells stained x intensity) was: grade I: 4/31(1/29-7/32), grade II: 11/62(4/12-19/12), grade III: 28/87(17/01-40/73), and grade IV: 33/87(16/73-51/01). Microvessele density (MVD) was: grade I: 10.87(8.69-13/05), grade II: 10.62(8.07-13.17), grade III: 12/31(9/97-14/64), and grade IV: 21/25(14/95-27/54). Intensity staining of vessels was not score=0 or score=1 in any grades studied. But severe intensity staining (score=3) in vessels of various grades was: grade I: 18/8 , grade II:. 37/5 , grade III: 56/3 , and grade IV: 87/5 . "Vwf vessel index" (microvesselele density x intensity staining of vessels) was: grade I: 23/84(18/64-29/1) , grade II: 25/62(18-33/24), grade III: 31/62(24/54-38/70), and grade IV: 62/43(42/84-82/03). For analysis the data, we used SPSS software and ststistical indices (mean, standard deviation, and standard error), and on the basis of Leven and Kolmogronove-Smirnov tests, we used the Scheffe statistical test. For relationship of qualitative variables, we used chi-square test. Discussion: Our results show that in addition to microvessels and pericytes, neoplastic cells in higher grades of astrocytoma express factor WIT-related antigen (vwf). The higher the grade, the more the intensity. So, with determination the intensity of angiogenesis or potential of it (with determination the expression of endothelial related markers such as vwf in neoplastic cells), in addition to be a help in determining the grade of astrocytomas, it can used in plan of therapy, in the meaning that with prescribing anti-angiogenesis drugs in some astrocytomas make the patient to have a better prognosis and survival. Key words: Astrocytoma ت‍ Von Willebrand factor ت‍ Brain - Immunohistochemistry.
Descriptor : 1. Astrocytoma.- Discriptors: Astrocytoma
: Pseudotumor Cerberi
: Immunohistochemistry
: Epithelial Cells
: Prognosis
: Glioblastoma
Added Entry : Mahzouni, Parvin, Supervisor
: AfsharMoghaddam, Noushin, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : تعیین ارتباط بین بروز اندکس فاکتور فون ویلبراند و گروههای مختلف درجه‌بندی بدخیمی ‭( grade)‬ تومورهای آستروسیتی مغز
کپی لینک

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Determination the relationship between von- willebrand fa...
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