رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" In Situ Micronization of Glidazide to Modify its Physicochemical Properties and Enhance its Bioavailability. Roya Talari "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102761
Doc. No : T11999
Call number : ‭Wk,825,T137i,2009‬
Main Entry : Talari, Roya
Title & Author : In Situ Micronization of Glidazide to Modify its Physicochemical Properties and Enhance its Bioavailability. Roya Talari/رویا تالاری
College : Pharmacy Schools
Date : , 2009
Degree : Pharmaceutics, Ph.D
Page No : 141 p.: ill, diag, tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 384313
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Introduction:Dilatation & Curettage (D&C) as a routine endometrial assessment method has many problems as .high hospitalization expenses and anesthetic complications. Recently, uterobrush has been used for the diagnosis of endometrial pathologies to have fewer complications and expenses. In this study the two methods were compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values. Methods & materials:This cross-sectional analytic-descriptive study was performed in Beheshti and Alzahra hospitals of Isfahan, Iran, in 2003 over women with different complaints who had been hospitalized for D&C. All study sample would undergo anesthesia and first a uterobrushsample and then the routine D&C sample would be obtained to be sent to one pathologist. Then, pathology reports were gathered and analyzed with SPSS 10 software. Results: Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive values were 93, 100, 100, and 65 respectively in uterobrush group compared to D&C group. The unsatisfactory report in uterobrush group was 16.7 while D&C had a same result as much as 10.8 . Discussion: Uterobrush is an almost new method of diagnosing benign and malignant uterine lesions which can be performed as the screening and primary evaluation method for endometrial problems, therefore a replacement fro D&C, due to its convenience for both the patient and the physician and also the lower expenses and pain suffered by the client. Keywords:dilatationandcurettage, uterobrush, sensitivity, specificity.
Descriptor : 1. Gliclazide.- Descriptors: Blood Glucose
: Diabetes Mellitus, Non- Insulin- Dependent
: Solubility
: Crystalization
Added Entry : Varshosaz, Jaleh, Supervisor
: Mostafavi, Abolfazl, Supervisor
: Nokhodchi, Ali, Supervisor
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In Situ Micronization of Glidazide to Modify its Physicoc...
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