رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Can TIMI risk score predict angiographic involvement in patients with ST- elevation myocardial infarction? "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102826
Doc. No : T12577
Call number : ‭WG,300,G617c,2010‬
Main Entry : Golabchi, Allahyar
Title & Author : Can TIMI risk score predict angiographic involvement in patients with ST- elevation myocardial infarction?/اللهیار گلابچی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2010
Degree : Cardiology, Speciality
Page No : (no paging): diag, tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 388267
Note : Orginal Works
Abstract : Background: in most of studies, the agreeable risk scores for STEMI consist of TIMI risk score and Modified Gensini risk score. Researches show significant relations between TIMI with Angiography scores in patients with UN NSTEMI only; but we studied this relation in patients with STEMI. Methods: our CCU patients with STEMI were in several hospitals of Isfahan, Iran since 2007/9 to 2008/6. Sampling of 240 patients was random and simple. Exclusion criteria were incomplete history, nonspecific electrocardiogram changes, left bundle branch block and the patients didn't accomplish angiography or accomplished angiography after 2 months of STEMI. Questionnaire indexes collected on basis of TIMI (0-14 points). The patients became echocardiography & angiography and then we used Gensini (0-400 points) to review films of angiography. we used Spearman's rank & Pearson's correlation coefficient to study the relation between two these scores. Results: One hundred sixty one patients were male and average of age in patients was 60.02 years. Averages of T1M1 & Gensini in patients were 6.30k 2.5 & 120.77▒ 50.4 respectively. Study showed significant relation between TIMI, age & LVEF of patients (P <0.001, r=-0.46).Also between Gensini and age, gender & LVEF of patients (P <0.001). But the meaningful correlation doesn't exist between TIMI and patients gender (P =0.08). Our study proved direct relation between TIMI risk score & Modified Gensini score (P <0.001, r=0.55). Conclusion: We can decide quickly and correctly in emergency unit to distinguish which patients with STEMI derived a benefit from invasive strategies with using TIM] score. Also, TIM' Risk Score can be a good predictor to determine the extension of CAD in patients with STEMI; as a result we offer determine TIMI score for any patient enters to emergency unit, also this score should record at discharge letters..
Descriptor : 1. Myocardial Infarection- diagnosis.- Descriptors: Myocardial Infarection- diagnosis
: Angiography
: Thrombolytic Therapy Age of Onset
: Coronary Arterosclerosis
Added Entry : Sanei, Hamid, Supervisor
: Sadeghi, Masoomeh, Supervisor
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Can TIMI risk score predict angiographic involvement in p...
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