رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Evaluation of frequency of CD10 expression and its assoviation with depth of invasion (Clark levels) and tumor thickness according to Breslow in primary malignant melanoma "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 102907
Doc. No : T13052
Call number : ‭QZ,200,S531e,20101390/10/15‬
Main Entry : Shariat, Sheila
Title & Author : Evaluation of frequency of CD10 expression and its assoviation with depth of invasion (Clark levels) and tumor thickness according to Breslow in primary malignant melanoma/شیلا شریعت
College : Schools, Medicine
Date : , 2010
Degree : Clinical and anatomical pathplogy, Ph.D
Page No : h.43p.: Table, Graph
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 388445
Abstract : Melanoma accounts for only 4 percent of all skin cansers, however, it causes the greatest number of skine canser related deaths worldwide.Possible association of the CD10 expression with progression of melanoma has been suggested. Our objective in this study was to determine frequency of CD10 expression and its assoviation with depth of invasion high depth levels and tumor thickness according to Breslow in primary malignant melanoma. This was retrospective study that was performed in St- Alzahra hospital, Isfahan in 1388-1389. 40 paraffinembedded section with confirmed diagnosis of primary melanoma were selected randomly and evaluate for association between the low versus highClark index and Breslow index with the H-Scote of CD10 expression. The dTA WERE ANALYZED USING spss VER15.00 and statistical tests including t-test, Chi- squar and spearman correlation. 90 percent of section showed positive results for CD10 expression. there was significant association between H-score and Breslow index and high Clark level (p=0/000).our results were consistent with previos results. To better evaluate the frequency of CD10 expression in melanoma, more extensive studies are recommended.
Descriptor : 1. Melanoma.- Descriptors: Melonama
: Gene Expression
: Skin Neoplasms- pathology
: Neprilysin
Added Entry : Rajabi, Parvin, Supervisor
: siadat, Amir Hossein, Supervisor
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Evaluation of frequency of CD10 expression and its assovi...
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