رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Investigation of Diagnostic Validity of Serum Levels of C- Reactive Protein in Prognosis of Response to Tocolytic Treatment in Mothers with Preterm Labor "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103085
Doc. No : T13877
Call number : ‭WQ,330,R231i,2012‬
Main Entry : Rasouli, Ousha
Title & Author : Investigation of Diagnostic Validity of Serum Levels of C- Reactive Protein in Prognosis of Response to Tocolytic Treatment in Mothers with Preterm Labor/اوشا رسولی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2012
Degree : Gynecology, Speciality
Page No : 16 p.: tab., diag
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID: 390494
: This thesis is also printed in Journal of Advanced Biomedical Researche
Abstract : Introduction: Preterm labor refers to the pregnancy in less than 37 weeks that plays a significant role in mortality and morbidity of fetus. This type of parturition affects the fetus vitality in different aspects such as increasing the risk of low birth weight infant, hypoxia during parturition and parturition trauma, intrauterine growth limits, infant respiratory distress syndrome, enterocolitis necrositing, intracranial hemorrhage and septicemia. Thus prevention of emerging preterm labor can help reducing such malfunctions. The main goal of this study was to investigate the diagnostic value of CRP serum levels used for prognosis of preterm labor and response to tocolytic treatment. Materials and Methods: This study was a characterizing-analytical research that was carried out in year 1390 at "Alzahra" and " Shahid Beheshti" hospitals in Esfahan. Overall number of 75 women with preterm labor and gestational age of 24-34 complete weeks who came to the "Alzahra" and "Shahid Beheshti" hospitals were studied. Also 80 pregnant women with gestational age of 24-34 weeks who lacked the uterine contractions and had no dilation were selected and the serum level of CRP was measured and compared in both groups. Finally the collected data was analyzed using SPSS software. Results: According to the results from this analysis, the best "cut-off point" for CRP is a serum level of 0.55 mg/dl where the highest sensitivity and specifity used for preterm labor diagnosis is obtainable. In this manner and at the "cut-off point" equals to 0.55 mg/d1; the sensitivity and specifity of CRP test become 68 and 60 , respectively .Also the best "cut-off point" for CRP in women with preterm labor and nonresponsive to magnesium sulphate treatment is a serum level of 2.15 mg/dl which yields the sensitivity and specifity of CRP test to be 87.5 and 74.7 , respectively. Conclusion: Although the serum level of CRP is significantly higher in women with preterm labor and that increases the chance of such ilk of delivery, additional studies need to be carried out to unveil all the doubts and prove the potential of CRP as a suitable biomarker for prognosis of patients with preterm labor who are nonresponsive to magnesium sulphate treatment..
Descriptor : 1. Obstetric Labor, Premature.- Descriptors: Obstetric Labor, Premature
: Tocolytic Agents
: C-Reactive Protein
Added Entry : Shahshahan, Zahra, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی ارزش تشخیص ‭C- Reactive Protein‬ سرم مادر در پیشگیری پاسخ به درمان توکولیتیک در بیماران مراجعه کننده به پرترم لیبر
کپی لینک

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Investigation of Diagnostic Validity of Serum Levels of C...
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