رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Incidence of cleft lip and palate in Iran: a Meta- Analysis "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103096
Doc. No : T13960
Call number : ‭WV,440,K45i,2011‬
Main Entry : Khazaei, Saber
Title & Author : Incidence of cleft lip and palate in Iran: a Meta- Analysis/صابر خزاعی
College : Schools, Dentistry
Date : , 2011
Degree : Dentistry, DDS
Page No : [No paging].: tab
Note : This thesis is also a research project with project ID 289069
Abstract : To investigate a meta- analysis on published data on overall incidence (CL/P) of cleft lip, cleft palate and cleft lip and palate of newborns in Iran. This meta-analysis study was performed during May 2009 to Dec 2009 in School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Our data consisted of all the incidences of CL/P from 1978 to June 2009, and 11 studies were selected. Inverse-variance weighting was implemented to calculate random effect summary estimates and to produce a forest plot. Cumulative meta-analysis on published data was calculated and grouped. Publication bias was checked using both Begg's and Egger's test. Pooled incidence from 11 studies was 1.0/1000 (95 CI: 0.5-1.5). There was no evidence of publication bias among the 11 studies (p for Begg's test=0.53 and p for Egger's test=0.23). The results of this study showed the incidence of CL/P in Iran was lower than other countries.
Descriptor : 1. Celft Palate- epidemiology.- Descriptors: Celft Palate- epidemiology
: Celft Lip
: Incidence
Added Entry : Khazaei, Mozafar, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی بروز شکاف لب و کام در ایران :متا آنالیز
کپی لینک

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طول :
Incidence of cleft lip and palate in Iran: a Meta- Analysis
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