رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Evaluation of factors influencing child abuse leading to oro-facial lesions in Isfahan, Iran: A qualitative approach "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103105
Doc. No : T13923
Call number : ‭WU,480,K45e,2013‬
Main Entry : Khalighinejad, Navid
Title & Author : Evaluation of factors influencing child abuse leading to oro-facial lesions in Isfahan, Iran: A qualitative approach/نوید خلیقی‌نژاد
College : Schools, Dentistry
Date : , 2013
Degree : Dentistry, DDS
Page No : [No paging].: tab
Note : This thesis is printed to Dntlal research journal.
Abstract : Since child abuse and neglect are serious conditions which can potentially lead to inappropriate dental health, we conducted this qualitative study to define the factors influencing child abuse and neglect, which lead to oro-facial lesions. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted by social services employees. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants to capture a range of experiences such as the physical abuse, sexual abuse, role of family in child abuse, age, and gender. Results: Participants demonstrated a range of perceptions which lead to child abuse including hitting on the head and slapping. Often subsidiary to this view, several factors were mentioned that occasionally infl uenced child abuse. These factors appeared to be idiosyncratic but could bedrawn together into three categories: Cultural lacks which includes poverty, cruelty of parents and addiction, psychological disorders, and separation in the family which was seen in most of the children. This study has identifi ed a variety of factors infl uencing the incidence of child abuse. Therefore, dentists should meticulously pay attention to children who have these risk factors in order to discover child abuse events. Quantitative research would reveal the extent of these factors. Dentists knowledge of their roles in managing cases suffering from abuse might need to be assessed to see if dentists need further education in this important area.
Descriptor : 1. Pediatric Dentistry.- Descriptors: Pediatric Dentistry
: Child Abuse
: Dental Care for Children
: Oral Manifestations
Added Entry : Nilchian, Firozeh, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی کیفی عوامل کودک آزاری جسمی و جنسی مرتبط با ضایعات دهان در کودکان دارای پرونده در اورژانس اجتماعی اصفهان در سال های‭۹۰ -۸۶ ‬
کپی لینک

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Evaluation of factors influencing child abuse leading to ...
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