رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Pentoxifylline treatment in patients with cancer cachexia: A double- blind, randomized, placebo - controlled trial "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103269
Doc. No : T14411
Call number : ‭WB,146,A258p,2012‬
Main Entry : Afshar, Rohollah
Title & Author : Pentoxifylline treatment in patients with cancer cachexia: A double- blind, randomized, placebo - controlled trial/روح الله افشار
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2012
Degree : Internal Medicine, Speciality
Page No : 20 p.: tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 391008
Abstract : Cachexia can occur as part of many end stage or chronic diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. this study was aimed to evaluate the effect of pentoxifylline in patients with cancer cachexia. the present study was conducted as a double blind randomized controlled trial on 70 patients with advanced malignancy who loss of >5 percent of ideal or preillness body weight in the previous 2 months. patients were assessed in two groups: case group, under treatment, using pentoxifylline (400 mg) therr times a day, for two months. and in control group, patients received placebo. age, sex, weigth change, change in arm circumferenceand quality of life were assessed at baseline, week-4 and week-8. the mean age of the patients was 56+/- 17.3 years and 47 percent were female. weight adn arm circumference decreased during follow-up in both rgoups, but htese differences between case and controls were not statistically significant.QOL score in case group improved after 4 weeks then decreased at the end of treatment but in control group QOL score decreased during two month treatment. in week-4 patientsw in case group significantly reported higher score of QOL compare to patients in control groups. results of this study demonstrated that, pentoxifylline in the treatment of cancer cachexia did not have any effect in weight gain and arm circumference in cachectic patients. but in short-term treatment, QOL was improved in these patients. and after 2 months treatment this was not effective compare to placebo.
Descriptor : 1. Cachexia.- Descriptors: Cachexia
: Pentoxifylline
: Neoplasms
: Quality of Life
: Wasting Disease, Chronic
Added Entry : Mehrzad, Valiollah, Supervisor
کپی لینک

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Pentoxifylline treatment in patients with cancer cachexia...
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