رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post - extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103311
Doc. No : T14660
Call number : ‭WO,280,A122c,2014‬
Main Entry : Abbasi, Ali
Title & Author : Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post - extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit/علی عباسی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Critical Care, Sub Speciality
Page No : 17 p.: diag, tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 391361
Note : Orginal works
Descriptor : 1. Intubation, Intratracheal.- Descriptors: Intubation, Intratracheal
: Airway Extubation
: Intensive Care Units
: Analgesics
: Budesonide
: Dexamethasone
Added Entry : Kashefi, Parviz, Supervisor
: Abasi, Saied, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی مقایسه‌ای اثربخشی نبولایزر بودنوزاید و دگزامتازون قبل از خروج لوله تراشه بر روی عوارض اکستوباسیون در بیماران بستری در بخش مراقبت های ویژه
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