رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Effect of Esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics congenital heart defects "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103329
Doc. No : T14711
Call number : ‭WS,290,F278e,2014‬
Main Entry : Fazelifar, Saeed
Title & Author : Effect of Esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics congenital heart defects/سعید فاضلی فر
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Cardiac Surgery, Subspeciality
Page No : 20 p.: tab.
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 392261
Note : Orginal works
Abstract : Although it is accepted that the cardioplegia is the golden standard to myocardial protection, there is still no consensus on the type of the cardioplegia. there are fewer studies on the type of the cardioplegia in hearts of the children than adults and they are contradictory. the effect of Esmolol have been reviewed (and ultra short- acting B blocker) in conjunction with the cardioplegia due to the effect of the beta-blockers in reducing the myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. the LV efection fraction, systoloc blook pressure, cental venous pressure, heart rate and et. were recorded separatey in patients whom received the cardioplegia without Esmolol (n=35) and the cardioplegia with Esmolol (n=30) and mathed for the age and sex. the Inotrope using in the grou without Esmolog (100 percent) was considerably higher than the group with Esmolog (86.7 percent). postoperative arrhythmias did not differ significantly between two grous. there was no significant difference in the duration of CPB, time of the extubation and length of the ICU staying, and the first day EF after surgery and the first week after surgery as well. CKMB was significantly higher in the group without Esmolol during operation than the group with Esmolol. the patients whom received the cardioplegia along with the Esmolol had less inotropic requirement after operation, increase in EF and in cardiac output one week after surgery. in addition it reduced damatge to the heart during surgery and patients may have greater stability in the cardiac conduction system.
Descriptor : 1. Heart Defects, Congenital.- Descriptors: Heart Defects, Congenital
: esmolol
Added Entry : Bigdelian, Saeed, Supervisor
: Sabri, Mohammadreza, Advisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی حفاظت میوکارد به وسیله پرفوزیون کاردیوفیوژن کاردیوپلزی کریستالوئید هیپوتروفیک تک دوز در همراهی با اسمولول برای اصلاح نفصهای مادرزادی سپتوم بین دهلیزی و یا بطنی در اطفال و نوزادان
کپی لینک

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Effect of Esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics ...
fazelifar saeeda.pdf
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