رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Investigating the relationship between intraoperative electrolyte abnormalities (sodium and potassium) with postoperative complications of coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103339
Doc. No : T14701
Call number : ‭WG,169,G411i,2014‬
Main Entry : Ghasemi, Marzieh
Title & Author : Investigating the relationship between intraoperative electrolyte abnormalities (sodium and potassium) with postoperative complications of coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG)/مرضیه قاسمی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Medicine, MD
Page No : [11] p.: tab.
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 390167
Note : Orginal works
Abstract : Grnerally, the electrolyte abnormalities are seen n many hospitalized patients and thes problem increases in ones with heart diseases. therse abnormalities are also common in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgeries. according to the other studies, artrial fibrillation and arrhythmia are very common complications after heart surgery and a relationship has been found between these complications with elecrtolyte abnormalities. jurthermore, the atrial fibrillation and other complications can lead to some unpleasant incidents including thromboembolic events, hemodynamic problems, long term ICU cares, increase of the costs and the most important one, the increase of mortality and morbidity rate. the purpose of this study is determination the prevalence of electrolyte abnormalities during the CABGs and detecting the relationship between these abnormalities with the complications after the surgeries. this is a cross sectional study which is done in chamran hospital, the medical and educational center of Isfahan, Iran in 2011. the target population included the patients who have undergone CABG in ths hospital. in this study 100 patients who had been canidates for CABG were selected adn we extracted their recorded intraoperative celctrolyte information. the collected data was entered into hte computer and analyzed by SPSS software. the chi-square and t student tests were used for data analysis. the mean (SD) of sodium during CABG was 137.95 (4.6) (range 127-152) mg/dl. also the mean (SD) of potassium was 4.65 (0.9) (range: 2.9-7.4). according to these results 48 patients (48 percent of all) had electrolyte imbalance and 52 patients (52 percent of all) were normal. sodium level in 71 percent of patients was normal and in 29 percent of them was abnormal. potassium level in 73 percent of individuals was normal and in 27 percent of them was abnormal. Electrolyte abnormality is a common problem in patients who have undetgone CABG surgery that may lead to serious postoperative complications and even mortality. also the incidence of electrolyte abnormalities causes a more long term hospitalization and an increase in hospital costs. so giving an attention to electrolyte abnormalities in patients whto have undergone CABg surgery is an considerable necessity for them and sufficient arrangements are needed to prevent such abnormalities.
Descriptor : 1.Coronary Artery Bypass .- Descriptors: Coronary Artery Bypass
: Postoperative Complications
: Electrolytes
: Sodium
: Potassium
Added Entry : Bagheri, Kaivan, Supervisor
: Safavi, Mohammad Reza, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی ارتباط اختلالات الکترولیتی حین عمل با عوارض و پیامدهای بعد از عمل جراحی بای پاس عروق کرونر در مرکز پزشکی شهید جمران
کپی لینک

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Investigating the relationship between intraoperative ele...
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