رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Effect of citrus aurantifolia (Lemon) peels on cardiometabolic risk factors and markers of endothelial function in adolescents with excess weight: a triple-masked randomized controlled trial "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103367
Doc. No : T14945
Call number : ‭WS,115,K18e,2014‬
Main Entry : Kargar, Maryam
Title & Author : Effect of citrus aurantifolia (Lemon) peels on cardiometabolic risk factors and markers of endothelial function in adolescents with excess weight: a triple-masked randomized controlled trial/مریم کارگر
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Pediatrics, Speciality
Page No : 16 p.: tab
Note : This thesis is a research project with project ID: 392352
Abstract : C and systolic blood pressure in the lemon group. However, no between group difference existed in the variables studied. Our study showed that consumption of lemon peel extract has no significant benefits on anthropometric measures and biochemical factors in adolescents with excess weight. Future studies with longer follow up are necessary in this regard-group analysis demonstrated a slight reduction in body mass index, LDL-1, as well assystolic and diastolic blood pressure were compared between two groups before and after administration of medication and placebo. Of total 60 enrolled patients, 27 and 29 patients in the lemon group and control group completed the study, respectively. The results of within-1and VCAM-week trial. Eligible participants were randomly assigned into two groups of equal number receiving daily oral capsules containing lemon powder or placebo. Fasting blood sugar, lipid profile, ICAM-masked, randomized controlled trial, 60 overweight/obese adolescents were enrolled in a 4-Childhood obesity is becoming a global problem and its incidence is increasing. The role of dietary intervention with fruits containing vitamin C and flavonoid on the control of obesity consequences in childhood is not yet defined. Lemon (Citrus aurantifolia)peels contain flavonoid, pectin and vitamin C. We aimed to compare the effects of lemon peels and placebo on cardiometabolic risk factors and markers of endothelial functionamong adolescents with overweight and obesity. In this triple.
Descriptor : 1. Pediatric Obesity.- Descriptors: Pediatric Obesity
: Adolescent
: Citrus
: Risk Factors
: Endothelium
Added Entry : Hashemipour, Mahin, Supervisor
: Ghannadi, Alireza, Supervisor
: Kelishadi, Roya, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی شده موازی در مورد تاثیر پوست میوه لیموترش بر اجزای سندرم متابولیک و شاخص های اختلال عملکرد اندوتلیوم در کودکان و نوجوانان‭ ۹-۱۸ ‬ساله دارای اضافه وزن در استان اصفهان
کپی لینک

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Effect of citrus aurantifolia (Lemon) peels on cardiometa...
Kargar maryama.pdf
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