رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" An investigation of Vitamin D effect on alterations of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients with chronic renal failure "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103370
Doc. No : T14942
Call number : ‭WJ,301,B725i,2014‬
Main Entry : Booya, Salehoddin
Title & Author : An investigation of Vitamin D effect on alterations of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients with chronic renal failure/صالح الدین بویا
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Nephrology, Specialty
Page No : 17 p.: tab
Note : This thesis is a research project with project ID: 292209
Abstract : Some of studies showed there is a relation between serum level of 25(OH) vitamin D and several physiologic activities in human body and suggested that Glomerular Filtration is strongly related with serum level of 25(OH)vitamin D and GFR but conducted study are insufficient, Thus the present study is going to identify the effect of vit D on renal performance alterations in adult patients suffering from chronic renal deficiency. this is a clinical trial study that done in Al-zahra hospital during 2012-2013. 60 patients with inclusion criteria were selected and randomly divided in the two groups. The first group, being in the Deficient range, received Pearl vitD50000IU per week and for 12 weeks, the insufficient group also received weekly vitD50000IU for an 8 week period of time. The control group got placebo and the level of 25 (OH Vit D was repeated at the end of 12th and 20th weeks at the same reference laboratory. During the study patients were visited every one month and the levels of calcium, phosphorus, albumin, were checked at the end of the 3 months. Patients' weights BUN, Creatinine and GFR were also checked at the end of per month. The mean score for GFR before the treatment and for one month after the treatment was not significantly different in both groups (p>0.05). However, the same mean score was significantly different at the end of the second, third, fourth and fifth month in both treatment and control groups (P<0.05). regarding the findings of the present study and the result of comparing them to other studies findings, the overall conclusion would put that GFR is related to 25 (OH) VIT D level and the inadequacy of 25 (OH) VIT D in CKD patients can fasten the disease progress. Therefore, it is essential the renal failure patients be examined in terms of 25 (OH) VIT D level and necessary actions be taken to maintain their Vit D level. Additionally, regarding the results of the study, vitamin D deficiency sounded to be prevalent among renal failure patients. So, it is urgent for these patients to examine their Vit D level, at least every 6 months regularly.
Descriptor : 1. Kidney Failure, Chronic.- Descriptors: Kidney Failure, Chronic
: Glomerular Filtration Rate
: Vitamin D
: Kidney Glomerulus
Added Entry : Mortazavi, Mojgan, Supervisor
: Taheri, Shahram, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی اثر ‭Vitamin D‬ بر روی تغییرات عملکرد کلیه در افراد مبتلا به نارسایی مزمن کلیه
کپی لینک

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An investigation of Vitamin D effect on alterations of gl...
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