رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Correlation of intelligence quotient (IQ) in multiple sclerosis with MRI findings and retianl nerve fiber layer thickness "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103377
Doc. No : T14935
Call number : ‭WL,360,E53c,2014‬
Main Entry : Emami Ardestani, Parisa
Title & Author : Correlation of intelligence quotient (IQ) in multiple sclerosis with MRI findings and retianl nerve fiber layer thickness/پریسا امامی اردستانی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Neurology, Specialty
Page No : 23 p.: tab
Note : This thesis is a research project with project ID: 392083
Abstract : Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease in which demyelination and axonal loss leads to progressive disability. Cognition impairment is among most common complication. Studying axonal loss in the retina is a new marker for multiple sclerosis (MS). The main goal of our study was to search for correlations between MRI findings and retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL) thickness at macula and head of optic nerve and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Scores that assessed multiple domain of intelligence, to explore the relationship between changes in the RNFL thickness with intellectual and cognitive dysfunction. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted at university hospital of kashani, Isfahan, Iran, from September to December 2013. All patients assessed with full-scale IQ on the WAIS-R. Optical coherence tomography study and brain MRI was performed in the same week for all patients. Statistical analysis with using a bivariate correlation was done by utilizing SPSS 20.0. P-value ?0.05 were the threshold of statistical significance. Examination of 100 patients was shown significant correlation between average RNFL thickness of macula and verbal IQ (p value=0.01) and full IQ (p value =0.01). There was significant correlation between brain atrophy and verbal IQ. RNFL loss was correlated with verbal IQ and full IQ.
Descriptor : 1. Multiple Sclerosis.- Descriptors: Multiple Sclerosis
: Cognition
: Tomography, Optical Coherence
: Intelligence
Added Entry : Ashtari, Fereshteh, Supervisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی ارتباط ضخامت ‭RNFL‬ با میزان اختلال شناختی بیماران ‭MS‬
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Correlation of intelligence quotient (IQ) in multiple scl...
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