رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" does vitamin c improve endothelial function in patients with Kawasaki disease? "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103484
Doc. No : T15099
Call number : ‭WH,700,N147d,2014‬
Main Entry : Najafi Tavana, Sfandyar
Title & Author : does vitamin c improve endothelial function in patients with Kawasaki disease?/اسفندیار نجفی توانا
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Pedicatic Cardiology, speciality
Page No : [43 p.: tab.
Note : This thesis is a research project with project ID:393239
Abstract : Background: Considering the importance of improvement of endothelial function in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and to prevent its related micro- and macro-vascular complications; in this study, the effect of vitamin C administration on improving endothelial function of children with type 1 diabetes was investigated. Methods: In this analytic-experimental study, children with type 1 DM aged 6-18 years and a group of healthy children enrolled. Vitamin C (250 mg/ daily) administrated for the two studied groups for 1-month. Endothelial function evaluated by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and intima-media thickness (IMT) measurement using vascular Doppler ultrasonography, before and after trial. Results: In this study, 18 patients with type 1 diabetes (DM) and 19 normal children as the control group were studied. After vitamin C administration IMT reduced in all studied groups (P < 0.05). FMD increased in all studied groups, but it was significant only in thecontrol group(p=0.02 in the control group and P=0.07 inpatients with DM). Mean differences of IMT 2 - IMT 1, FMD 2 - FMD 1 and left ventricular (LV) mass 2 - LV mass 1 and blood pressure (BP) were not significantly different in two studied groups (P > 0.05). Mean differences of IMT 2 - IMT 1, FMD 2- FMD 1, LV mass 2- LV mass 1 and BP were not significantly different in patients with HbA1c<=7 g/dl and those with HbA1c >7 g/dl and control group (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The findings of the current study indicated that vitamin C may have a protective effect on endothelial dysfunction, but regarding its effectiveness among the high-risk population such as diabetic patients with and without appropriate glycemic control th study was not sufficiently powered due to its small sample siz.
Descriptor : 1. Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome.- Descriptors: Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome
: Endothelium
: Ascorbic Acid
: Child
: Adolescent
Added Entry : Sabri, Mohammad Reza, Supervisor
: Nikyar, Abdolrasoul, Advisor
: Ahmadi, Alireza, Advisor
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does vitamin c improve endothelial function in patients w...
najafi tavana sfandyara.pdf
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