رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The effect of hydroxychloroquine on glucose control and insulin resistance in pre-diabetes condition "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 103488
Doc. No : T15103
Call number : ‭WK,810,S543e,2014‬
Main Entry : Sheikhbahaie, fahimeh
Title & Author : The effect of hydroxychloroquine on glucose control and insulin resistance in pre-diabetes condition/فهیمه شیخ بهایی
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2014
Degree : Endocrinology, SubSpecialty
Page No : 15 p.: diag, tab.
Note : This thesis is a research project with project ID: 390096
Abstract : Hydroxychloroquine can improve most underlying coronary risk factors, however there are a few studies on the effects of hydroxychloroquine on blood glucoe and insulin resistance. the current study aimed to assess the effects of hydroxychloroquine on blood glucose control status as well as on level of lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers in pre-diabetic patients. in a randomized double-blinded controlled trial, 39 consecutive patients suffered pre-diabetes who referred to Isfahan endocrinology center in January 2013 were randomly assigned to receive hydroxychloroquine (6.5 mg/kg/day)(n=20)or placebo (n=19) for 12 weeks. he biomarker indices and anthropometric parameters were tested before and after completion of treatment. in both groups received hydroxychloroquine and placebo, except for serum level of insulin that was significantly elevated after treatment by hydroxychloroquine, the changes in other parameters remained insignificant. both groups experienced increase of insulin level, but this change was considerably dhigher in those group received hydroxychloroquine. the group received hydroxychloroquine experienced reduce of glucose at 60 min of OGTT test after intervention, while the placebo group experienced increase of blood glucose at the same time. the use of hydroxychloroquine may increase serum insulin level in patients with pre-diabetic states that are at risk to develop diabetes mellitus.
Descriptor : 1. Blood Glucose.- Descriptors: Blood Glucose
: Insulin Resistance
: Hydroxychloroquine
: Prediabetic State
Added Entry : Amini, Masoud, Supervisor
کپی لینک

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The effect of hydroxychloroquine on glucose control and i...
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