رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Rehabilitation e-books "

center : Isfahan University of medical science
Material Type : Latin Book
Record Number : 103932
Doc. No : CD1964
Language of Document : English
Title & Author : Rehabilitation e-books
Page. NO : 1 coptuer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Notes : E-book Type of file: PDF file
Subject : Disability Evaluation
Class Number : WB 320
Book number : R345
variant title : Handbook of vocational rehabilitation and disability evaluation/ Reuben Scorpizo
: Myofacial release/ Ruth A. Duncan
: Vertigo and balance desorders in children/ Kimitaka Kaga
: Pragmatic disorders/ Louise Cummings
: deuices for mobility and manipulation for people with reduced abilities/ Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho
: Voice and speech quality perception: assessment and evaluation/ Ute Jekosch
: Noise- induced hearing loss: scientific advances/ Coleen G. Le Prell
: Tinnitus/ Jos J. Eggermont
: The middle ear: science, otosurgery, and technology/ Sunil Puria
: Feet and footwear: a cultural encyclopedia/ Margo DeMello
: Handbook of footwear design and manufacture/ A. Luximon
: Writing scientific research articles: strategy and speps/ Margaret Crgill
: The ABC of EMG: a practica introduction to kinesiological electromyography/ Peter Konrad
: Physical activity and mental health/ Angela Clow
: Handbook on animal assisted therapy/ Aubreg H. Fine
: Biomechanics of the human body/ Emico Okuno
: Biomechanics in clinic and research: an interactive teaching and learning course/ Jim Richads
: Children`s speech sound disorders/ Caroline Bowen
: Clinical research: from proposal to implementation/ Michael J. McPhaul
: Atlas of anatomy for speech, seallowing, and hearing/ David H. McFarland
: Essentials of exercise physiology/ Victor L Katch
: Lower limb prosthetic components: design, function and biomechanical properties/ G. Fitzlaff
: footwear and foot orthoses/ Anita williams
: Fundamentals of biostatistics/ Bernard Rosner
: Human musculoskeletal biomechanics/ Tarun Goswami
: The de.cluttered school: how to create a cleaner, calmer and greener learning environment/ Jane C. Anderson
: Occupational therapy and stroke/ Judi Edmans
: Powered upper limb prostheses: control, implementation and clinical application/ Ashok Muzumdar
: Rehabilitation and health assessment/ Elias Mpofu
: Spinal depormities: the essentials/ Robet F. Heary
: The orthopaedic physical examination/ Bruce Reider
: Introdiction to quantitative EEG and neurofedback: advanced theory and application/ Thomas H. Budzynski
: Therapiutic exercise: foundations and techniques/ Carolyn Kisner
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