رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Headaches characteristics on various cognitive domains in young Iranian chronic migraineurs "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 107484
Doc. No : T17086
Call number : WL344,S559h,2016
Main Entry : Saadatnia, Mohammad,
Title & Author : Headaches characteristics on various cognitive domains in young Iranian chronic migraineurs \ Omid shokoohi
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2016
Degree : M.D
field of study : Medicine
Page No : 20p.: diag, tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 394275
: امید شکوهی
Abstract : Background:Throughout the last decade, studies showed which there are changes in the variety of cognitive aspects when migraine disease progressed, Attack characteristics which have effects on the cognitive function are unknown. Present study examined impact of headaches characteristics on various cognitive domains in chronic migraineurs (CM).Methodology150 young CM without aura and 100 healthy controls, a mean age<35 years, assessed by Montreal cognitive assessment (MOCA), MIDAS scale and frontal assement battery (FAB). The depression and anxiety rates evaluated by Hamilton tests. Scores combined for comparison of cognitive domains and test results analyzed using by independent t-student, Spearman's correlation, logistic regression and Bonferroni correction for sub test of batteries .The patients must feel relieved of migraine attack during 72 hours ago.Result: CM had significant decreased scores on MOCA(OR=1/15;95%CI 0/99_1/33),even after adjustment for depression, gender and educational level(P=0/99,P=0/94,P=0/54).Male migraineurs had greater reduction on MOCA scores vs female migraineurs(22/07±3/95, 23/52±3/30,P=0/24),however, female migraineurs had a greater rate for depression and anxiety but isn’t significance vs male(P>0/05).CM had impaired of visuospatial/executive, naming and attention(P=0/004,P=0/005,P=0/001).Pain severity had no effect on MoCA score, FAB score and MIDAS Grading(P=0.13,P=0.69,P=0.10).Longer disease duration found a causal relationship with the FAB Score and MOCA visuospatial(P=0/05),in addition of, Attack frequency associated with disability of chronic migraineurs(P=0/04).Conclusion:Cognitive performance reduction occurred in CM with preference among male. Visuospatial /executive, attention and naming are involved in chronic migraineurs.Migraine disease duration associated with impaired on the FAB Score and MOCA visuospatial subtest, in addition of, frequency of migraine attack associated with disability of chronic migraineurs.
Descriptor : Migraine Disorders
: Headache Disorders
: Cognition
: Anxiety
: Depression
: shokoohi
Added Entry : Thesis advisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی اثر شدت و تناوب سردرد میگرن بر عملکرد شناختی بیماران مبتلا به میگرن مزمن
کپی لینک

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Headaches characteristics on various cognitive domains in...
omid shokoohi.pdf
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