رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" ‌Respiratory viruses in febrile neutropenic patients with respiratory symptoms "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 107614
Doc. No : T17102
Call number : WC505,S125r,2016
Main Entry : Mirmohammad Sadeghi, Alireza
Title & Author : ‌Respiratory viruses in febrile neutropenic patients with respiratory symptoms\ Alireza Mirmohammad Sadeghi
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2016
Degree : Speciality
field of study : Infectious Disease
Page No : {No paging}: tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 394052
: علیرضا میرمحمدصادقی
Abstract : Introduction: Respiratory infections are a frequent cause of fever in neutropenic patients, whilerespiratory viral infections are not frequently considered as a diagnosis, which cause highmorbidity and mortality in these patients.Methods and Materials: This prospective study was performed on 36 patients with neutropeniawho admitted to hospital were eligible for inclusion with fever (single temperature of >38.3°C ora sustained temperature of >38°C for more than one hour), upper and lower respiratorysymptoms. Sampling were performed from throat of the patient by the sterile swab. All materialswere analyzed by quantitative real time multiplex PCR covering the following viruses; Influenza,Parainfluenza, Rhinovirus, human Metapneumovirus and Respiratory syncytial virus.Results: Rhinovirus virus (RV) was the most frequently detected virus then Respiratorysyncytial virus (RSV) was the most. PIV was not present in any of the tested samples.Furthermore, no substantial differences in the distribution of specific viral species were observedbased on age, sex, neutropenia duration, hematological disorder and respiratory tract symptomsand signs (P.V>0.05).Conclusion: Our prospective study support the hypothesis that respiratory viruses play animportant role in the development of neutropenic fever, and thus has the potential toindividualize infection treatment and to reduce the extensive use of antibiotics inimmunocompromised patients with neutropenia
Descriptor : Neutropenia
: Respiratory Tract Infections
: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
: Fever
Added Entry : Meidani, Mohsen, Thesis advisor
: Mostafavizadeh, Kamyar, Consulting advisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : بررسی فراوانی نسبی ویروس های آنفولانزا، پاراانفولانزا، رینوویروس، متانیوموویروس و ویروس سنسشییال تنفسی به روش آر تی پی سی آر در نمونه ته حلق بیماران تب دار نوتروپنیک با علائم تنفسی بستری در بیمارستان سیدالشهدا اصفهان سال 94-93
کپی لینک

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‌Respiratory viruses in febrile neutropenic patients with...
mirmohammad sadeghi alirezaa.pdf
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