رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Burghardt's colposcopy and cervical pathology "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Material Type : Latin Book
Record Number : 107857
Doc. No : 35941
Language of Document : English
Title & Author : Burghardt's colposcopy and cervical pathology : textbook and atlas :\ / Frank Girardi...[et al.]
Edition Statement : 4th edition.
Publication Statement : Stuttgart ;New York :: Thieme,, [2014]
Page. NO : xiii, 225p.: : ill.(col)
ISBN : 9783136599044 (alk. paper)
: 9783131504715 (eISBN)
Notes : Preceded by Colposcopy-cervical pathology / Erich Burghardt, Hellmuth Pickel, Frank Girardi ; translated by and with the collaboration of Andrew G. Östör and Karl Tamussino. 3rd rev. and enl. ed. 1998.
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subject : Cervix Uteri-- pathology
Subject : Colposcopy
Class Number : ‭WP470‬
Book number : B956 2015
Added Entry : Girardi, Frank
Parallel Title : Colposcopy and cervical pathology
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