رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Paraquat Poisoning Management in Iran (Isfahan): Devising a Protocol "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 107951
Doc. No : T17167
Call number : WA240,H452p,2016
Main Entry : Hedayati, Mahrang
Title & Author : Paraquat Poisoning Management in Iran (Isfahan): Devising a Protocol \ Mahrang Hedaiaty
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2016
Degree : Subspeciality
field of study : Clinical Toxicology
Page No : 24p.: ill
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 395258
: مهرنگ هدایتی
Abstract : Background: Paraquat poisoning has been a health concern in many developing countries. Management of it is not standardized and varies from center to center. This study is aimed at devising an available evidence-based comprehensive protocol for parquat poisoning management in Isfahan, Iran, to reduce unnecessary variations in practice. Materials and Methods: A narrative search in electronic databases was performed. Several peer-reviewed articles, guidelines, and textbooks were reviewed and practical details were extracted from 1967 till now. The simple, available and wide-ranged descriptive protocol was developed. Then, it was finally discussed with expert physicians specialized to be optimized for the diagnostic tools and treatments used in this setting by supplementing other specific considerations. Results: The final version of the protocol was designed in six steps. The algorithm consists of a planned are based on the severity of the toxicity. It comprised of supportive treatments based on Resuscitation, Gastrointestinal decontamination, Elimination enhancement, and other treatment options for PQ lung injury.
Descriptor : Paraquat
: Poisoning
: Toxicology
: Pesticides
Added Entry : Eizadi Mood, Nastaran, Thesis advisor
: Sabzghabaee, Alimohammad, Thesis advisor
: Gheshlaghi, Farzad, Thesis advisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : تدوین پروتکل درمانی جهت مدیریت مسمومین با سم پاراکوات در اصفهان
کپی لینک

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Paraquat Poisoning Management in Iran (Isfahan): Devisin...
mehrang hedayati A.pdf
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