رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The first report on the frequency of asymptomatic proteinuria in Iranian school-aged children "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 108024
Doc. No : T17176
Call number : WJ343,G411f,2016
Main Entry : Ghafarzadeh, Zahra
Title & Author : The first report on the frequency of asymptomatic proteinuria in Iranian school-aged children\ Zahra Ghafarzadeh
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2016
Degree : M.D
field of study : Medicine
Page No : 11p.: tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 393631
: زهرا غفارزاده
Abstract : Background: Proteinuria is a well-known indicator of renal dysfunction. In this study we evaluated the frequency of proteinuria in a sample of healthy Iranian elementary school students using both dipsticks and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) methods.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 478 school students aged 7-9 years who were selected by multistage random cluster sampling from Isfahan city, Iran. A clean midstream first morning urine sample was obtained from each subject. Urine samples were examined by dipstick method and accordingly they were reported as negative; trace; 1+; 2+; 3+ and 4+. UACR was determined in samples with positive dipstick proteinuria (defined as trace or greater).Results: This study included 478 students (42.8% boys), with mean age of 7.0 ± 0.4 years. Positive dipstick was detected in 124 (25.9%) cases. The frequency of positive dipstick proteinuria was significantly higher in the girls than boys (29.6% vs. 20.9%, respectively; p=0.04). In cases with positive dipstick, 10 (2.1%) cases had UACR 30-300 mg/g. The frequency of UACR of 30-300 mg/g was 1.4% and 2.5% in boys and girls, respectively. There was no significant difference in the frequency of UACR 30-300 mg/g in terms of gender (p=0.4). None of the subjects had UACR above 300 mg/g.Conclusion: While the frequency of asymptomatic proteinuria varies widely across different studies, we found a higher rate of proteinuria in Iranian children. Cost-effectiveness analyses are needed to justify large screening program for detecting asymptomatic proteinuria, as a cardinal manifestation of kidney disease, in Iranian children.
Descriptor : Proteinuria
: Albumins
: Creatinine
: Kidney Failure, Chronic
: Pediatrics
Added Entry : Jari, Mohsen, Thesis advisor
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : اولین گزارش از فراوانی پروتئینوری بدون علامت در کودکان بدو ورود به مدرسه ایران
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The first report on the frequency of asymptomatic protein...
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