رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Neonatal and infant dermatology[electronic resources "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Material Type : Latin Book
Record Number : 108995
Doc. No : CD3073
Language of Document : English
Title & Author : Neonatal and infant dermatology[electronic resources\ / edited by Lawrence F. Eichenfield...[et al.]
Edition Statement : 3rd ed.
Publication Statement : London :: Elsevier Saunders,, 2015
Page. NO : 1 computer optical disc.: : ill.
ISBN : 9781455726387
: : 1455726389
: 9781455726394 (e-book)
: 1455726397(e-book)
Notes : Preceded by: Neonatal dermatology / [edited by] Lawrence F. Eichenfield, Ilona J. Frieden, Nancy B. Esterly. 2nd ed. c2008.
: "In the third edition of this textbook (previously edited by Solomon and Esterly) the editors, ... have expanded its scope to include skin disorders arising in the neonatal period and infancy." --Foreword.
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subject : Skin Diseases
Subject : Infant, Newborn
Subject : Infant
Class Number : ‭WS260‬
Book number : ‭N438 2015‬
Added Entry : Eichenfield, Lawrence F.
کپی لینک

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