رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" A Comparison between the bedside sonographic measurements of the inferior vena cava indices and the central venous pressure while assessing the decreased intravascular volume in children "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 113610
Doc. No : T18559
Main Entry : Babaie, Sharareh
Title & Author : A Comparison between the bedside sonographic measurements of the inferior vena cava indices and the central venous pressure while assessing the decreased intravascular volume in children\ Sharaeh Babaie
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2017
Degree : Sub Speciality ( fellowship )
field of study : , ICU Pediatrics
Page No : 13 p: tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 396740
: شراره بابایی
Note : Electronical
Abstract : Background: Hemodynamic monitoring is an essential part in the treatment of critically ill patients. Establish¬ment of intravascular volume with fluids and vasoactive drugs and creation a normal systemic perfusion is one of the most important part to reduce risk of organ failure and mortality. This study aimed to determine the correlation between the inferior vena cava (IVC) sonographic indices and the central venous pressure (CVP) to provide a useful guide for noninvasive intravascular volume status assessment of the pediatric critically ill patients.Materials and methods: Target sample of children who were admitted to the pediatric critical care unit and required CVP monitoring were enrolled in this study. The collapsibility index in the sagittal view and IVC/aorta (AO) ratio in the transverse view, from bedside ultrasonography (BUS) measurement of the IVC, were calculated. Results: Of the 70 participants, 22 patients (31.4%) revealed a CVP of 8 mm/Hg or less and 48 patients (68.6%) revealed a CVP greater than 8 mm/Hg. 56 patients (80%) had an IVC-CI of 0.5 or greater and 17 patients (24.3%) had an IVC/AO of 0.8 or less. IVC collapsibility index is 45.5% sensitive and 91.7% specific with a positive predictive value of 71.4 and a negative predictive value of 78.6 to predict CVP < 8, and the IVC/AO index is 50.8% sensitive and 87.5% specific with a positive predictive value of 64.7 and a negative predictive value of 79.2 to predict CVP < 8. Conclusion: Based on present finding, the IVC sonographic indices provide a useful guide for noninvasive intravascular volume status assessment of the pediatric critically ill patients.
Descriptor : Vena Cava, Inferior
: Ultrasonography
: Central Venous Pressure
: Intravascular Ultrasonography
: Child Health
: Hemodynamics
: Perfusion
: Critical Illness
: Intravascular Hemolysis
: Intravascular Procedures
: Hemodynamic Monitoring
Added Entry : Raeisi , Mohsen , Thesis advisor
کپی لینک

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A Comparison between the bedside sonographic measurements...
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