رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Effect of Tetanus-diphtheria Vaccine on Immune Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Low-responder Individuals "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Science
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 113806
Doc. No : T18621
Call number : WC 536 ,S163e,2017
Main Entry : salehi, , Maryam
Title & Author : Effect of Tetanus-diphtheria Vaccine on Immune Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Low-responder Individuals \ Maryam salehi
College : School Dentistry
Date : 2017
Degree : DD
field of study : Dentistry
Page No : 20p.
Note : Project ID:191049
Note : Electronic
Abstract : Conventional hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination fails to achieve efficient protection in about 5–10% of the world population. Hence, different strategies have been adopted to ameliorate HBV antibody titers. This study aimed to evaluate the concurrent application of tetanus-diphtheria (Td) and HBV vaccination on hepatitis B surface (HBs) antibody titer in low-responder healthy individuals.Methods:This was a randomized clinical trial, which was implemented among 140 of medical staff working as health-care workers assumed as low-responders. The subjects were randomly allocated to either control or interventional groups. The control and interventional groups received HBV recombinant vaccine while the latter group was also vaccinated through Td. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was applied to measure HBs antibody (HBsAb) titers just before and 6 months after the last vaccination. All data were entered into SPSS software. Independent t-test, paired t-test, and Chi-square or Fisher's exact test were applied for data comparison.Results:Antibody titers of the subjects in the intervention and control groups soared from 49.08 ± 20.08 IU/L to 917.78 ± 204.80 IU/L and from 46.95 ± 18.55 to 586.81 ± 351.77 IU/L, respectively (both P < 0.001); nevertheless, by comparison with control group, variation of antibody titer in the interventional group was significantly higher (P < 0.001).Conclusions:Concurrent application of Td and HBV vaccine could effectively
Descriptor : Hepatitis B vaccine
: low responders
: tetanus-diphtheria vaccine
Added Entry : Haghighat , Abbas
: Salehi , Hassan
: Taleban, Roya
Added Entry : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer : « بررسی پاسخ ایمنی به تزریق همزمان واکسن دیفتری-کزاز و هپاتیت B در افراد با پاسخ ناکافی به واکسن هپاتیت B در پرسنل بیمارستان الزهرا (س)»
کپی لینک

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Effect of Tetanus-diphtheria Vaccine on Immune Response t...
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