رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Indices of Cardiac and LAD Irradiation in Conventional 2D (SAD) and 3D Conformal Radiotherapy Techniques: a dosimetrical comparison "

center : Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 114328
Doc. No : T19100
Main Entry : Sharhani , Refagh
Title & Author : Indices of Cardiac and LAD Irradiation in Conventional 2D (SAD) and 3D Conformal Radiotherapy Techniques: a dosimetrical comparison\ Refagh Sharhani
College : Schools, Medical
Date : , 2018
Degree : Speciality
field of study : , Radiation Oncology
Page No : 19 p.: tab
Note : This is a research dissertation with project ID: 394550
: رفاق شرهانی
Note : Electronical
Abstract : Background: Radiation therapy in breast cancer patients has been shown to reduce local recurrence and improve survival rates. Nevertheless, recent concerns have been raised regarding an increase in cardiac mortality, especially in patients who had been treated with radiation for left-sided breast tumors. The scope of this work is to estimate doses of irradiation to the heart, LAD (Left Anterior Descending) coronary artery, and lung in2D method with source-axis distance technique or 2D (SAD) and 3-dimension conformal radiotherapy(3DCRT)technique, and comparedthem together.Materials and Methods:Thirty-two (18 to 75 year-old) females with left-sided breast cancer with mean age of 51.9 ± 56.9 were included in this study.All studied patients (with non-metastatic breast cancer) was considered in Syed-Alshohada Hospital, Isfahan, Iran, between 2015 and 2016. Patients were irradiated by the conventional 2D (SAD) technique and then 3DCRT using multi-slice CT to contour vital organ.Result:Patients received an average dose of 627.90 ±319.87(cGy) to heart and 2536.75±1086.30 (cGy) to LAD coronary artery in 2D method. Also, they have been exposed to doses of 1079± 425 and 3487.0 ±769.6 in their heart and LAD in 3DCRT, respectively. Average maximum doses in 2D and 3DCRT methods were 5068±917.6(cGy) and 5423.8±346.9(cGy), respectively for the heart, and 4751.5±965.2(cGy) and 5134.6±656(cGy) for LAD, respectively.Conclusion:2D technique lacks a decent scale to measure cardiac toxicity since its mid-plane CT slice did not give a reliable assessment of cardiac irradiation.Findings can simply be explained by low efficacy in therapeutic doses applied in the conventional 2D technique.Nearly all of the dosimetrical indices were higher in 3DCRT method.
Descriptor : Radiotherapy
: Breast Neoplasms
: Coronary Vessels
: Radiometry
Added Entry : AKhavan , Ali , Thesis advisor
کپی لینک

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Indices of Cardiac and LAD Irradiation in Conventional 2D...
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